Monday, April 23, 2012

A week at Zen meditation and the lesson of self-compassion

I had the privilege to spend a week in Zen meditation at Bodhi Zendo in India during the 1st week in April 2012. I decided to attend after talking about it for last 8 years or so. I was nervous about not being able to spend 7 – 8 hours in meditation when even 10 minutes seemed difficult as my mind would keep on wandering in thousands different directions. It was taking a leap of faith with much encouragement from Lyndon.

It has been most valuable time that I have spent with myself and really being connected at the deeper level. During this time I realized how and what holds me back from doing what I want to do. The fear of not being able to do it perfectly and the self-judgment. In spite of all the stuff on mindset and mental models when I got connected with myself I was able to see how they still control my actions and behaviors. The other aspect that got in my way was how can I sustain this new development/progress without falling off the wagon and reverting back to my old ways of being and doing. The Zen Master said to me to be compassionate and not to be hard on myself. It was one thing that really helped me to get to the root of my fear of not being able to sustain the change. It really helped me to notice where else in my life it is present.

In my coaching too I notice that often my clients are in this place of not being compassionate towards themselves and really being stuck for not being able to sustain and integrate the change in their lives. It is really very important to spend sometime during the day with ourselves, being connected, so that we can make each moment richer by being fully present rather than being so busy with everything except our own life. I encourage each of you to take time to connect with yourself and notice when you are not being compassionate with yourself. What will be different if we spent just 10 minutes everyday with ourselves in noticing with great compassion. I have replaced empathy with compassion since now it has a deeper meaning for me.